fortran-courses/Fortran For Beginners/Section 3 - Interactivity/todo_routines_m.f90

117 lines
2.6 KiB

module todo_routines_m
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MAX_TASKS = 99
integer, parameter :: TASK_LENGTH = 100
character(len=*), parameter :: TODO_FILE = "todo.txt"
subroutine readPreviousTasks(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(out) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(out) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE)
do i = 1, MAX_TASKS
read(unit, '(A)', iostat=status) tasks_(i)
if (status /= 0) then
num_tasks_ = i - 1
num_tasks_ = i
end if
end do
end subroutine readPreviousTasks
subroutine interact(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(inout) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
character(len=1) :: response
print *, "Here are your current tasks"
do i = 1, num_tasks_
print '(I3,") ",A)', i, trim(tasks_(i))
end do
print *, "What would you like to do? (a)dd, (d)elete, (q)uit"
read(*, '(A1)') response
select case (response)
case ('a')
call add(tasks_, num_tasks_)
case ('d')
call delete(tasks_, num_tasks_)
case ('q')
case default
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end select
call save(tasks_, num_tasks_)
end do
end subroutine interact
subroutine add(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(inout) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tasks_
print *, "What's the task?"
num_tasks_ = num_tasks_ + 1
read(*, '(A)') tasks_(num_tasks_)
end subroutine add
subroutine delete(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(inout) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: task
print *, "Which one would you like to delete?"
read(*, *, iostat=status) task
if (status == 0) then
if (task < 1) then
print *, "Task number must be > 1"
else if (task > num_tasks_) then
print *, "Task number must be <= ", num_tasks_
do i = task, num_tasks_
tasks_(i) = tasks_(i+1)
end do
num_tasks_ = num_tasks_ - 1
end if
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end if
end do
end subroutine delete
subroutine save(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(in) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(in) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE, status='REPLACE')
do i = 1, num_tasks_
write(unit, '(A)') trim(tasks_(i))
end do
end subroutine save
end module todo_routines_m