This commit is contained in:
Paul Corbalan 2023-08-21 17:04:37 +02:00
commit 9b98af91a8
103 changed files with 4695 additions and 0 deletions

Fortran For Beginners/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
program entreprise_hello
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter :: PERSON = "World"
character(len=:), allocatable :: greeting
greeting = greet(PERSON)
print '(A)', greeting
pure function greet(person_) result(greeting_)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: person_
character(len=:), allocatable :: greeting_
greeting_ = "Hello, " // person_ // "!"
end function greet
end program entreprise_hello

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
program hello
print *, "Hello, world !"
end program hello

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
program Fibonacci
implicit none
integer :: i
integer, dimension(10) :: fib_nb
fib_nb(1) = 1
fib_nb(2) = 1
do i = 3, 10
fib_nb(i) = fib_nb(i-1) + fib_nb(i-2)
end do
do i = 1, 10
print *, fib_nb(i)
end do
recursive function fib(n) result(fib_)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: fib_
if (n == 1) then
fib_ = 1
else if (n == 1) then
fib_ = 1
fib_ = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
end if
end function fib
end program Fibonacci

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
program uninitialized_example
implicit none
character(len=10) :: something
print *, something
end program uninitialized_example

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
program variables_example
implicit none
integer :: x
integer :: y
integer :: z
integer, parameter :: inches_per_foot = 12
print *, "x = ", x, "y = ", y, "z = ", z
print *, "inches_per_foot = ", inches_per_foot
x = 3
print *, "x = ", x, "y = ", y, "z = ", z
y = 4
print *, "x = ", x, "y = ", y, "z = ", z
z = x + y
print *, "x = ", x, "y = ", y, "z = ", z
x = 1
print *, "x = ", x, "y = ", y, "z = ", z
end program variables_example

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# From
# variables
RM = del /Q /F
CFLAGS=-c -g -Og -Wall
# linking
a.exe: $(FILE).o
$(FC) $(FILE).o
# compiling
$(FILE).o: $(FILE).f90
$(FC) $(CFLAGS) $(FILE).f90
# cleanup
-$(RM) $(FILE).o a.exe
# run

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
program take_notes
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter :: NOTES_FILE = "notes.txt"
character(len=100) :: note
integer :: unit
open(newunit = unit, file = NOTES_FILE, position = 'APPEND')
print *, "Enter some notes. Enter 'DONE' to quit."
read(*, '(A)') note
if (trim(note) == "DONE") exit
write(unit, '(A)') trim(note)
end do
end program take_notes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
program to_the_power
implicit none
integer :: base
integer :: power
integer :: status
print *, "Whats the base number?"
read(*, *, iostat=status) base
if (status == 0) exit
print *, "Sorry, I didnt understand that."
end do
print *, "To what power?"
read(*, *, iostat=status) power
if (status == 0) exit
print *, "Sorry, I didnt understand that."
end do
print *, base, "**", power, " is ", base**power
end program to_the_power

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
program todo
use todo_m, only: Todo_t
implicit none
type(Todo_t) :: todo_list
call todo_list%readPreviousTasks()
call todo_list%interact()
end program todo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module todo_m
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MAX_TASKS = 99
integer, parameter :: TASK_LENGTH = 100
character(len=*), parameter :: TODO_FILE = "todo.txt"
type, public :: Todo_t
character(len=TASK_LENGTH) :: tasks(MAX_TASKS)
integer :: num_tasks
procedure, public :: readPreviousTasks
procedure, public :: interact
procedure :: add
procedure :: delete
procedure :: save
end type Todo_t
subroutine readPreviousTasks(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(out) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE)
do i = 1, MAX_TASKS
read(unit, '(A)', iostat=status) self%tasks(i)
if (status /= 0) then
self%num_tasks = i - 1
self%num_tasks = i
end if
end do
end subroutine readPreviousTasks
subroutine interact(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer :: i
character(len=1) :: response
print *, "Here are your current tasks"
do i = 1, self%num_tasks
print '(I3,") ",A)', i, trim(self%tasks(i))
end do
print *, "What would you like to do? (a)dd, (d)elete, (q)uit"
read(*, '(A1)') response
select case (response)
case ('a')
call self%add()
case ('d')
call self%delete()
case ('q')
case default
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end select
call self%save()
end do
end subroutine interact
subroutine add(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(inout) :: self
print *, "What's the task?"
self%num_tasks = self%num_tasks + 1
read(*, '(A)') self%tasks(self%num_tasks)
end subroutine add
subroutine delete(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: task
print *, "Which one would you like to delete?"
read(*, *, iostat=status) task
if (status == 0) then
if (task < 1) then
print *, "Task number must be > 1"
else if (task > self%num_tasks) then
print *, "Task number must be <= ", self%num_tasks
do i = task, self%num_tasks
self%tasks(i) = self%tasks(i+1)
end do
self%num_tasks = self%num_tasks - 1
end if
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end if
end do
end subroutine delete
subroutine save(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE, status='REPLACE')
do i = 1, self%num_tasks
write(unit, '(A)') trim(self%tasks(i))
end do
end subroutine save
end module todo_m

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
module todo_routines_m
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MAX_TASKS = 99
integer, parameter :: TASK_LENGTH = 100
character(len=*), parameter :: TODO_FILE = "todo.txt"
subroutine readPreviousTasks(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(out) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(out) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE)
do i = 1, MAX_TASKS
read(unit, '(A)', iostat=status) tasks_(i)
if (status /= 0) then
num_tasks_ = i - 1
num_tasks_ = i
end if
end do
end subroutine readPreviousTasks
subroutine interact(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(inout) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
character(len=1) :: response
print *, "Here are your current tasks"
do i = 1, num_tasks_
print '(I3,") ",A)', i, trim(tasks_(i))
end do
print *, "What would you like to do? (a)dd, (d)elete, (q)uit"
read(*, '(A1)') response
select case (response)
case ('a')
call add(tasks_, num_tasks_)
case ('d')
call delete(tasks_, num_tasks_)
case ('q')
case default
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end select
call save(tasks_, num_tasks_)
end do
end subroutine interact
subroutine add(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(inout) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tasks_
print *, "What's the task?"
num_tasks_ = num_tasks_ + 1
read(*, '(A)') tasks_(num_tasks_)
end subroutine add
subroutine delete(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(inout) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: task
print *, "Which one would you like to delete?"
read(*, *, iostat=status) task
if (status == 0) then
if (task < 1) then
print *, "Task number must be > 1"
else if (task > num_tasks_) then
print *, "Task number must be <= ", num_tasks_
do i = task, num_tasks_
tasks_(i) = tasks_(i+1)
end do
num_tasks_ = num_tasks_ - 1
end if
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end if
end do
end subroutine delete
subroutine save(tasks_, num_tasks_)
character(len=TASK_LENGTH), intent(in) :: tasks_(MAX_TASKS)
integer, intent(in) :: num_tasks_
integer :: i
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE, status='REPLACE')
do i = 1, num_tasks_
write(unit, '(A)') trim(tasks_(i))
end do
end subroutine save
end module todo_routines_m

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
RM = del /Q /F
todo: todo_m.o todo.o
gfortran todo_m.o todo.o -o todo
todo.o: todo.f90 todo_m.mod
gfortran -c todo.f90 -o todo.o
todo_m.o todo_m.mod: todo_m.f90
gfortran -c todo_m.f90 -o todo_m.o
# .PHONY: clean
-$(RM) todo todo.o todo_m.o todo_m.mod
make clean
-$(RM) todo.exe

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
program todo
use todo_m, only: Todo_t
implicit none
type(Todo_t) :: todo_list
call todo_list%readPreviousTasks()
call todo_list%interact()
end program todo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module todo_m
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MAX_TASKS = 99
integer, parameter :: TASK_LENGTH = 100
character(len=*), parameter :: TODO_FILE = "todo.txt"
type, public :: Todo_t
character(len=TASK_LENGTH) :: tasks(MAX_TASKS)
integer :: num_tasks
procedure, public :: readPreviousTasks
procedure, public :: interact
procedure :: add
procedure :: delete
procedure :: save
end type Todo_t
subroutine readPreviousTasks(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(out) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE)
do i = 1, MAX_TASKS
read(unit, '(A)', iostat=status) self%tasks(i)
if (status /= 0) then
self%num_tasks = i - 1
self%num_tasks = i
end if
end do
end subroutine readPreviousTasks
subroutine interact(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer :: i
character(len=1) :: response
print *, "Here are your current tasks"
do i = 1, self%num_tasks
print '(I3,") ",A)', i, trim(self%tasks(i))
end do
print *, "What would you like to do? (a)dd, (d)elete, (q)uit"
read(*, '(A1)') response
select case (response)
case ('a')
call self%add()
case ('d')
call self%delete()
case ('q')
case default
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end select
call self%save()
end do
end subroutine interact
subroutine add(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(inout) :: self
print *, "What's the task?"
self%num_tasks = self%num_tasks + 1
read(*, '(A)') self%tasks(self%num_tasks)
end subroutine add
subroutine delete(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: status
integer :: task
print *, "Which one would you like to delete?"
read(*, *, iostat=status) task
if (status == 0) then
if (task < 1) then
print *, "Task number must be > 1"
else if (task > self%num_tasks) then
print *, "Task number must be <= ", self%num_tasks
do i = task, self%num_tasks
self%tasks(i) = self%tasks(i+1)
end do
self%num_tasks = self%num_tasks - 1
end if
print *, "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
end if
end do
end subroutine delete
subroutine save(self)
class(Todo_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: unit
open(newunit=unit, file=TODO_FILE, status='REPLACE')
do i = 1, self%num_tasks
write(unit, '(A)') trim(self%tasks(i))
end do
end subroutine save
end module todo_m

Intermediate Fortran/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module reduce_m
implicit none
type, abstract :: accumulator_t
procedure(combiner), deferred, nopass :: combine
end type
abstract interface
pure function combiner(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
end function
end interface
pure recursive function reduce(vals, accumulator, init) result(combined)
integer, intent(in) :: vals(:)
class(accumulator_t), intent(in) :: accumulator
integer, intent(in) :: init
integer :: combined
if (size(vals) == 1) then
combined = accumulator%combine(init, vals(1))
combined = reduce(vals(2:), accumulator, accumulator%combine(init, vals(1)))
end if
end function
end module
module multiplier_m
use reduce_m, only: accumulator_t
implicit none
type, extends(accumulator_t) :: multiplier_t
procedure, nopass :: combine => multiply
end type
pure function multiply(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
z = x * y
end function
end module
program main
use multiplier_m, only: multiplier_t
use reduce_m, only: reduce
implicit none
print *, reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], multiplier_t(), 1)
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
program fibonaci_test
implicit none
print *, fibonaci(6)
recursive function fibonaci(number) result(fibonaci_number)
integer, intent(in) :: number
integer :: fibonaci_number
if (number <= 2) then
fibonaci_number = 1
fibonaci_number = fibonaci(number - 1) + fibonaci(number - 2)
end if
print *, "result:", fibonaci_number
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module reduce_m
implicit none
abstract interface
pure function combiner(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
end function
end interface
pure recursive function reduce(vals, accumulator, init) result(combined)
integer, intent(in) :: vals(:)
procedure(combiner) :: accumulator
integer, intent(in) :: init
integer :: combined
if (size(vals) == 1) then
combined = accumulator(init, vals(1))
combined = reduce(vals(2:), accumulator, accumulator(init, vals(1)))
end if
end function
end module
module multiplier_m
implicit none
pure function multiply(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
z = x * y
end function
end module
program main
use multiplier_m, only: multiply
use reduce_m, only: reduce
implicit none
print *, reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], multiply, 1)
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
program pure_and_elemental
implicit none
integer, parameter :: numbers(*) = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
print *, multiply_by_three(numbers)
elemental function multiply_by_three(number) result(multiplied_by_three)
integer, intent(in) :: number
integer :: multiplied_by_three
multiplied_by_three = number * 3
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
program pure_and_elemental_exercise
implicit none
integer, parameter :: PRIMES(*) = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
integer, parameter :: REAL_ANSWER = 1872
integer :: answer
! Replace '42' with an expression using elemental functions
! that calculates the equivalent of the following:
! answer = 0
! do i = 1, size(PRIMES)
! answer = answer + (primes(i) * 3)**2
! end do
answer = sum(function_(primes))
if (answer == REAL_ANSWER) then
print *, "You got it! :)"
print *, answer
print *, "Not passing yet :("
end if
! put your functions down here
elemental function function_(primes_) result(resu)
integer, intent(in) :: primes_
integer :: resu
resu = (primes_ * 3)**2
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
program pure_and_elemental_exercise
implicit none
integer, parameter :: PRIMES(*) = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
integer, parameter :: REAL_ANSWER = 1872
integer :: answer
! Replace '42' with an expression using elemental functions
! that calculates the equivalent of the following:
! answer = 0
! do i = 1, size(PRIMES)
! answer = answer + (primes(i) * 3)**2
! end do
answer = sum(square(multiply_by_three(PRIMES)))
! Note: intrinsic operators are already elemental, so the following works too
! answer = sum((PRIMES * 3)**2)
if (answer == REAL_ANSWER) then
print *, "You got it! :)"
print *, answer
print *, "Not passing yet :("
end if
! put your functions down here
elemental function multiply_by_three(number) result(multiplied_by_three)
integer, intent(in) :: number
integer :: multiplied_by_three
multiplied_by_three = number * 3
end function
elemental function square(number) result(squared)
integer, intent(in) :: number
integer :: squared
squared = number ** 2
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
program recursive_sum_exercise
implicit none
integer, parameter :: THE_NUMBERS(*) = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
integer :: answer
answer = sum_(THE_NUMBERS)
if (answer == 28) then
print *, "You got it! :)"
print *, answer
print *, "Not quite right yet. :("
end if
recursive function sum_(numbers) result(total)
integer, intent(in) :: numbers(:)
integer :: total
total = 0
if (size(numbers)==1) then
total = numbers(1)
total = numbers(1) + sum_(numbers(2:))
end if
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
program recursive_sum_exercise
implicit none
integer, parameter :: THE_NUMBERS(*) = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
integer :: answer
answer = sum2(THE_NUMBERS)
if (answer == 28) then
print *, "You got it! :)"
print *, answer
print *, "Not quite right yet. :("
end if
recursive function sum_(numbers) result(total)
integer, intent(in) :: numbers(:)
integer :: total
if (size(numbers) == 1) then
total = numbers(1)
total = sum_(numbers(1:size(numbers)/2)) + sum_(numbers(size(numbers)/2+1:))
end if
end function
recursive function sum2(numbers) result(total)
integer, intent(in) :: numbers(:)
integer :: total
if (size(numbers) == 1) then
total = numbers(1)
total = numbers(1) + sum2(numbers(2:))
end if
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module reduce_m
implicit none
abstract interface
pure function combiner(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
end function
end interface
pure recursive function reduce(vals, accumulator, init) result(combined)
integer, intent(in) :: vals(:)
procedure(combiner) :: accumulator
integer, intent(in) :: init
integer :: combined
if (size(vals) == 1) then
combined = accumulator(init, vals(1))
combined = reduce(vals(2:), accumulator, accumulator(init, vals(1)))
end if
end function
end module
program main
use reduce_m, only: reduce
implicit none
integer :: answer
answer = sum_([1, 2, 3, 4])
if (answer == 10) then
print *, "You got it! :)"
print *, answer
print *, "Not quite right yet. :("
end if
pure function sum_(numbers) result(total)
integer, intent(in) :: numbers(:)
integer :: total
total = reduce(numbers, add, 0)
end function
pure function add(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
z = x + y
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module reduce_m
implicit none
abstract interface
pure function combiner(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
end function
end interface
pure recursive function reduce(vals, accumulator, init) result(combined)
integer, intent(in) :: vals(:)
procedure(combiner) :: accumulator
integer, intent(in) :: init
integer :: combined
if (size(vals) == 1) then
combined = accumulator(init, vals(1))
combined = reduce(vals(2:), accumulator, accumulator(init, vals(1)))
end if
end function
end module
program main
use reduce_m, only: reduce
implicit none
integer :: answer
answer = sum_([1, 2, 3, 4])
if (answer == 10) then
print *, "You got it! :)"
print *, answer
print *, "Not quite right yet. :("
end if
pure function sum_(numbers) result(total)
integer, intent(in) :: numbers(:)
integer :: total
total = reduce(numbers, add, 0)
end function
pure function add(x, y) result(z)
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer :: z
z = x + y
end function
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
program main
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use leaf_m, only: leaf_t
use node_m, only: node_t
use strff, only: to_string
implicit none
type(node_t) :: tree
tree = node_t( &
node_t( &
node_t( &
node_t( &
leaf_t(1), &
leaf_t(23)), &
leaf_t(4)), &
leaf_t(567)), &
node_t( &
leaf_t(89), &
node_t( &
leaf_t(1234), &
call put_line(tree%to_string())
call put_line(to_string(tree%total()))
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "binary_tree"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2021 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module leaf_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
use strff, only: to_string
use tree_m, only: tree_t
implicit none
public :: leaf_t
type, extends(tree_t) :: leaf_t
integer :: value_
procedure, public :: to_string => leaf_to_string
procedure, public :: total
end type
interface leaf_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(value_) result(leaf)
integer, intent(in) :: value_
type(leaf_t) :: leaf
leaf%value_ = value_
end function
pure function leaf_to_string(self) result(string)
class(leaf_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = to_string(self%value_)
end function
pure function total(self)
class(leaf_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: total
total = self%value_
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
module node_m
use iso_varying_string, only: &
varying_string, assignment(=), operator(//), len, trim, var_str
use strff, only: join, split_at, NEWLINE
use tree_m, only: tree_t
implicit none
public :: node_t
type, extends(tree_t) :: node_t
class(tree_t), allocatable :: left, right
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure, public :: total
end type
interface node_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(left, right) result(node)
class(tree_t), intent(in) :: left, right
type(node_t) :: node
allocate(node%left, source = left)
allocate(node%right, source = right)
end function
pure recursive function to_string(self) result(string)
class(node_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
type(varying_string) :: blocked
type(varying_string), allocatable :: child_strings(:)
type(varying_string) :: dashed_line
integer :: height_
type(varying_string), allocatable :: padded_strings(:)
type(varying_string) :: pipes
integer, allocatable :: widths(:)
allocate(child_strings, source = [self%left%to_string(), self%right%to_string()])
allocate(widths, source = max_width(child_strings)+1)
height_ = maxval(height(child_strings))
dashed_line = make_dashes(widths)
pipes = join(make_pipe(widths), "")
allocate(padded_strings, source = pad_to(child_strings, widths, height_))
blocked = join( &
[ dashed_line&
, pipes &
, concat_lines(padded_strings) &
], &
string = strip_trailing_space(blocked)
end function
pure recursive function total(self)
class(node_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: total
total = self%left%total() + self%right%total()
end function
elemental function max_width(tree_string) result(width)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: tree_string
integer :: width
width = maxval(len(split_at(tree_string, NEWLINE)))
end function
elemental function height(tree_string)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: tree_string
integer :: height
height = size(split_at(tree_string, NEWLINE))
end function
elemental function pad_to(string, width, num_lines) result(padded)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
integer, intent(in) :: width, num_lines
type(varying_string) :: padded
integer :: i
associate(lines => split_at(string, NEWLINE))
associate(padded_lines => pad_line(lines, width))
padded = join([padded_lines, [(var_str(repeat(" ", width)), i = 1, num_lines - size(lines))]], NEWLINE)
end associate
end associate
elemental function pad_line(line, width) result(padded_line)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: line
integer, intent(in) :: width
type(varying_string) :: padded_line
padded_line = line // repeat(" ", width - len(line))
end function
end function
pure function make_dashes(widths) result(dashes)
integer, intent(in) :: widths(:)
type(varying_string) :: dashes
if (size(widths) == 1) then
dashes = make_pipe(widths(1))
associate( &
leading_spaces => widths(1)/2 - 1, &
trailing_spaces => widths(size(widths)) - widths(size(widths))/2, &
total_width => sum(widths))
associate(dash_width => total_width - leading_spaces - trailing_spaces)
dashes = repeat(" ", leading_spaces) // repeat("-", dash_width) // repeat(" ", trailing_spaces)
end associate
end associate
end if
end function
elemental function make_pipe(width) result(pipe)
integer, intent(in) :: width
type(varying_string) :: pipe
pipe = center_in(var_str("|"), width)
end function
pure function center_in(string, width) result(centered)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
integer, intent(in) :: width
type(varying_string) :: centered
associate(leading_spaces => width/2 - len(string)/2 - 1)
associate(trailing_spaces => width - leading_spaces - len(string))
centered = repeat(" ", leading_spaces) // string // repeat(" ", trailing_spaces)
end associate
end associate
end function
pure function concat_lines(strings) result(joined)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: strings(:)
type(varying_string) :: joined
integer :: i, j
associate(lines => [(split_at(strings(i), NEWLINE), i = 1, size(strings))])
associate(num_lines => size(lines) / size(strings))
joined = join( &
[(join( &
[(lines(i), i = j, num_lines*size(strings), num_lines)] &
, ""), j = 1, num_lines)], &
end associate
end associate
end function
pure function strip_trailing_space(string) result(stripped)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
type(varying_string) :: stripped
stripped = join(trim(split_at(string, NEWLINE)), NEWLINE)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module tree_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: tree_t
type, abstract :: tree_t
procedure(to_string_i), public, deferred :: to_string
procedure(total_i), public, deferred :: total
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: tree_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(tree_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
pure function total_i(self) result(total)
import :: tree_t
implicit none
class(tree_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: total
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
program main
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use leaf_m, only: leaf_t
use node_m, only: node_t
use tree_item_m, only: tree_item_t
implicit none
type(node_t) :: tree
tree = node_t( &
[ tree_item_t(node_t( &
[ tree_item_t(node_t( &
[ tree_item_t(leaf_t(1)) &
, tree_item_t(leaf_t(23)) &
, tree_item_t(leaf_t(4)) &
])) &
, tree_item_t(leaf_t(567)) &
])) &
, tree_item_t(node_t( &
[ tree_item_t(node_t( &
[ tree_item_t(leaf_t(89)) &
])) &
, tree_item_t(node_t( &
[ tree_item_t(leaf_t(1234)) &
, tree_item_t(leaf_t(56)) &
])) &
])) &
call put_line(tree%to_string())
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "binary_tree"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2021 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module leaf_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
use strff, only: to_string
use tree_m, only: tree_t
implicit none
public :: leaf_t
type, extends(tree_t) :: leaf_t
integer :: value_
procedure, public :: to_string => leaf_to_string
end type
interface leaf_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(value_) result(leaf)
integer, intent(in) :: value_
type(leaf_t) :: leaf
leaf%value_ = value_
end function
pure function leaf_to_string(self) result(string)
class(leaf_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = to_string(self%value_)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
module node_m
use iso_varying_string, only: &
varying_string, assignment(=), operator(//), len, trim, var_str
use strff, only: join, split_at, NEWLINE
use tree_m, only: tree_t
use tree_item_m, only: tree_item_t
implicit none
public :: node_t
type, extends(tree_t) :: node_t
type(tree_item_t), allocatable :: children(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
end type
interface node_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(children) result(node)
type(tree_item_t), intent(in) :: children(:)
type(node_t) :: node
allocate(node%children, source = children)
end function
pure recursive function to_string(self) result(string)
class(node_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
type(varying_string) :: blocked
type(varying_string), allocatable :: child_strings(:)
type(varying_string) :: dashed_line
integer :: height_
integer :: i
type(varying_string), allocatable :: padded_strings(:)
type(varying_string) :: pipes
integer, allocatable :: widths(:)
allocate(child_strings, source = [(self%children(i)%to_string(), i = 1, size(self%children))])
allocate(widths, source = max_width(child_strings)+1)
height_ = maxval(height(child_strings))
dashed_line = make_dashes(widths)
pipes = join(make_pipe(widths), "")
allocate(padded_strings, source = pad_to(child_strings, widths, height_))
blocked = join( &
[ dashed_line&
, pipes &
, concat_lines(padded_strings) &
], &
string = strip_trailing_space(blocked)
end function
elemental function max_width(tree_string) result(width)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: tree_string
integer :: width
width = maxval(len(split_at(tree_string, NEWLINE)))
end function
elemental function height(tree_string)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: tree_string
integer :: height
height = size(split_at(tree_string, NEWLINE))
end function
elemental function pad_to(string, width, num_lines) result(padded)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
integer, intent(in) :: width, num_lines
type(varying_string) :: padded
integer :: i
associate(lines => split_at(string, NEWLINE))
associate(padded_lines => pad_line(lines, width))
padded = join([padded_lines, [(var_str(repeat(" ", width)), i = 1, num_lines - size(lines))]], NEWLINE)
end associate
end associate
elemental function pad_line(line, width) result(padded_line)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: line
integer, intent(in) :: width
type(varying_string) :: padded_line
padded_line = line // repeat(" ", width - len(line))
end function
end function
pure function make_dashes(widths) result(dashes)
integer, intent(in) :: widths(:)
type(varying_string) :: dashes
if (size(widths) == 1) then
dashes = make_pipe(widths(1))
associate( &
leading_spaces => widths(1)/2 - 1, &
trailing_spaces => widths(size(widths)) - widths(size(widths))/2, &
total_width => sum(widths))
associate(dash_width => total_width - leading_spaces - trailing_spaces)
dashes = repeat(" ", leading_spaces) // repeat("-", dash_width) // repeat(" ", trailing_spaces)
end associate
end associate
end if
end function
elemental function make_pipe(width) result(pipe)
integer, intent(in) :: width
type(varying_string) :: pipe
pipe = center_in(var_str("|"), width)
end function
pure function center_in(string, width) result(centered)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
integer, intent(in) :: width
type(varying_string) :: centered
associate(leading_spaces => width/2 - len(string)/2 - 1)
associate(trailing_spaces => width - leading_spaces - len(string))
centered = repeat(" ", leading_spaces) // string // repeat(" ", trailing_spaces)
end associate
end associate
end function
pure function concat_lines(strings) result(joined)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: strings(:)
type(varying_string) :: joined
integer :: i, j
associate(lines => [(split_at(strings(i), NEWLINE), i = 1, size(strings))])
associate(num_lines => size(lines) / size(strings))
joined = join( &
[(join( &
[(lines(i), i = j, num_lines*size(strings), num_lines)] &
, ""), j = 1, num_lines)], &
end associate
end associate
end function
pure function strip_trailing_space(string) result(stripped)
type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
type(varying_string) :: stripped
stripped = join(trim(split_at(string, NEWLINE)), NEWLINE)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module tree_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
use tree_m, only: tree_t
implicit none
public :: tree_item_t
type :: tree_item_t
class(tree_t), allocatable :: tree
procedure, public :: to_string
end type
interface tree_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(tree) result(tree_item)
class(tree_t), intent(in) :: tree
type(tree_item_t) :: tree_item
allocate(tree_item%tree, source = tree)
end function
pure recursive function to_string(self) result(string)
class(tree_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = self%tree%to_string()
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module tree_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: tree_t
type, abstract :: tree_t
procedure(to_string_i), public, deferred :: to_string
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: tree_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(tree_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
program main
use circle_m, only: circle_t
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use rectangle_m, only: rectangle_t
use shape_list_m, only: shape_list_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use square_m, only: square_t
use triangle_m, only: triangle_t
implicit none
type(shape_list_t) :: list
list = shape_list_t( &
shapes = [ &
shape_item_t( &
shape = square_t( &
width = 2.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = circle_t( &
radius = 3.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = triangle_t( &
base = 4.0, &
height = 5.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = rectangle_t( &
height = 2.0, &
width = 3.0 &
) &
) &
] &
call put_line(list%to_string())
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "heterogeneous_list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module circle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: circle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: circle_t
real :: radius
procedure, public :: to_string => circle_to_string
end type
interface circle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(radius) result(circle)
real, intent(in) :: radius
type(circle_t) :: circle
circle%radius = radius
end function
pure function circle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"circle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "radius = " // to_string(self%radius), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module rectangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: rectangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: rectangle_t
real :: height
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => rectangle_to_string
end type
interface rectangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(height, width) result(rectangle)
real, intent(in) :: height
real, intent(in) :: width
type(rectangle_t) :: rectangle
rectangle%height = height
rectangle%width = width
end function
pure function rectangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(rectangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"rectangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module shape_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_item_t
type :: shape_item_t
class(shape_t), allocatable :: shape
procedure, public :: to_string
end type
interface shape_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shape) result(shape_item)
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
type(shape_item_t) :: shape_item
shape_item%shape = shape
end function
elemental function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_item_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shape = " // self%shape%to_string(), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
module shape_list_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, indent, join, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_list_t
type :: shape_list_t
type(shape_item_t), allocatable :: shapes(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
end type
interface shape_list_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shapes) result(shape_list)
type(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: shapes(:)
type(shape_list_t) :: shape_list
allocate(shape_list%shapes, source = shapes)
end function
pure function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_list_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shapes = [" // NEWLINE &
// indent(join(self%shapes%to_string(), "," // NEWLINE), 4) // NEWLINE &
// "]", &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module shape_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: shape_t
type, abstract :: shape_t
procedure(to_string_i), deferred, public :: to_string
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: shape_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module square_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: square_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: square_t
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => square_to_string
end type
interface square_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(width) result(square)
real, intent(in) :: width
type(square_t) :: square
square%width = width
end function
pure function square_to_string(self) result(string)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"square_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module triangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: triangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: triangle_t
real :: base
real :: height
procedure, public :: to_string => triangle_to_string
end type
interface triangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(base, height) result(triangle)
real, intent(in) :: base
real, intent(in) :: height
type(triangle_t) :: triangle
triangle%base = base
triangle%height = height
end function
pure function triangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"triangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "base = " // to_string(self%base) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
program main
use circle_m, only: circle_t
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use shape_list_m, only: shape_list_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use square_m, only: square_t
use strff, only: to_string
use triangle_m, only: triangle_t
implicit none
type(shape_list_t) :: list
list = shape_list_t( &
shapes = [ &
shape_item_t( &
shape = square_t( &
width = 2.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = circle_t( &
radius = 3.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = triangle_t( &
base = 4.0, &
height = 5.0 &
) &
) &
] &
call put_line(list%to_string())
call put_line(to_string(list%total_area()))
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "heterogeneous_list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
module circle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: circle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: circle_t
real :: radius
procedure, public :: to_string => circle_to_string
procedure, public :: area
end type
interface circle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(radius) result(circle)
real, intent(in) :: radius
type(circle_t) :: circle
circle%radius = radius
end function
pure function circle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"circle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "radius = " // to_string(self%radius), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
pure function area(self)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = 3.1415 * self%radius**2
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
module shape_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_item_t
type :: shape_item_t
class(shape_t), allocatable :: shape
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure, public :: area
end type
interface shape_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shape) result(shape_item)
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
type(shape_item_t) :: shape_item
shape_item%shape = shape
end function
elemental function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_item_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shape = " // self%shape%to_string(), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
elemental function area(self)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = self%shape%area()
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module shape_list_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, indent, join, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_list_t
type :: shape_list_t
type(shape_item_t), allocatable :: shapes(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure, public :: total_area
end type
interface shape_list_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shapes) result(shape_list)
type(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: shapes(:)
type(shape_list_t) :: shape_list
allocate(shape_list%shapes, source = shapes)
end function
pure function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_list_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shapes = [" // NEWLINE &
// indent(join(self%shapes%to_string(), "," // NEWLINE), 4) // NEWLINE &
// "]", &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
pure function total_area(self)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: total_area
total_area = sum(self%shapes%area())
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module shape_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: shape_t
type, abstract :: shape_t
procedure(to_string_i), deferred, public :: to_string
procedure(area_i), deferred, public :: area
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: shape_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
pure function area_i(self) result(area)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
module square_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: square_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: square_t
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => square_to_string
procedure, public :: area
end type
interface square_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(width) result(square)
real, intent(in) :: width
type(square_t) :: square
square%width = width
end function
pure function square_to_string(self) result(string)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"square_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
pure function area(self)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = self%width**2
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module triangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: triangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: triangle_t
real :: base
real :: height
procedure, public :: to_string => triangle_to_string
procedure, public :: area
end type
interface triangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(base, height) result(triangle)
real, intent(in) :: base
real, intent(in) :: height
type(triangle_t) :: triangle
triangle%base = base
triangle%height = height
end function
pure function triangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"triangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "base = " // to_string(self%base) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
pure function area(self)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = (self%base * self%height) / 2.0
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
module integer_list_m
implicit none
public :: integer_list_t, visitor_t
type :: list_node_t
integer :: val
type(list_node_t), pointer :: next => null()
end type
type :: integer_list_t
type(list_node_t), pointer :: head => null()
procedure, public :: prepend
procedure, public :: foreach
end type
type, abstract :: visitor_t
procedure(visit_i), deferred, public :: visit
end type
abstract interface
subroutine visit_i(self, item)
import visitor_t
implicit none
class(visitor_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
end subroutine
end interface
subroutine prepend(self, item)
class(integer_list_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: item
type(list_node_t), pointer :: new
if (associated(self%head)) then
new%val = item
new%next => self%head
self%head => new
self%head%val = item
end if
end subroutine
subroutine foreach(self, visitor)
class(integer_list_t), intent(inout) :: self
class(visitor_t), intent(inout) :: visitor
type(list_node_t), pointer :: cursor
cursor => self%head
do while (associated(cursor))
call visitor%visit(cursor%val)
cursor => cursor%next
end do
end subroutine
end module
module list_operator_m
use integer_list_m, only: visitor_t
implicit none
public :: printer_t, squarer_t
type, extends(visitor_t) :: printer_t
procedure, public :: visit => printer_visit
end type
type, extends(visitor_t) :: squarer_t
procedure, public :: visit => squarer_visit
end type
subroutine printer_visit(self, item)
class(printer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
print *, item
end subroutine
subroutine squarer_visit(self, item)
class(squarer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
item = item*item
end subroutine
end module
program main
use integer_list_m, only: integer_list_t
use list_operator_m, only: printer_t, squarer_t
implicit none
type(integer_list_t) :: list
type(printer_t) :: printer
type(squarer_t) :: squarer
call list%prepend(2)
call list%prepend(3)
call list%prepend(5)
call list%foreach(printer)
call list%foreach(squarer)
call list%foreach(printer)
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
module integer_list_m
implicit none
public :: integer_list_t, visitor_t
type :: list_node_t
integer :: val
type(list_node_t), pointer :: next => null()
end type
type :: integer_list_t
type(list_node_t), pointer :: head => null()
procedure, public :: prepend
procedure, public :: foreach
end type
type, abstract :: visitor_t
procedure(visit_i), deferred, public :: visit
end type
abstract interface
subroutine visit_i(self, item)
import visitor_t
implicit none
class(visitor_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
end subroutine
end interface
subroutine prepend(self, item)
class(integer_list_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: item
type(list_node_t), pointer :: new
if (associated(self%head)) then
new%val = item
new%next => self%head
self%head => new
self%head%val = item
end if
end subroutine
subroutine foreach(self, visitor)
class(integer_list_t), intent(inout) :: self
class(visitor_t), intent(inout) :: visitor
type(list_node_t), pointer :: cursor
cursor => self%head
do while (associated(cursor))
call visitor%visit(cursor%val)
cursor => cursor%next
end do
end subroutine
end module
module list_operator_m
use integer_list_m, only: visitor_t
implicit none
public :: printer_t, squarer_t, summer_t
type, extends(visitor_t) :: printer_t
procedure, public :: visit => printer_visit
end type
type, extends(visitor_t) :: squarer_t
procedure, public :: visit => squarer_visit
end type
type, extends(visitor_t) :: summer_t
integer :: total = 0
procedure, public :: visit => summer_visit
procedure, public :: get_sum
end type
subroutine printer_visit(self, item)
class(printer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
print *, item
end subroutine
subroutine squarer_visit(self, item)
class(squarer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
item = item*item
end subroutine
subroutine summer_visit(self, item)
class(summer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
self%total = self%total + item
end subroutine
pure integer function get_sum(self)
class(summer_t), intent(in) :: self
get_sum = self%total
end function
end module
program main
use integer_list_m, only: integer_list_t
use list_operator_m, only: printer_t, squarer_t, summer_t
implicit none
type(integer_list_t) :: list
type(printer_t) :: printer
type(squarer_t) :: squarer
type(summer_t) :: summer
call list%prepend(2)
call list%prepend(3)
call list%prepend(5)
call list%foreach(printer)
call list%foreach(squarer)
call list%foreach(printer)
call list%foreach(summer)
print *, summer%get_sum()
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
module integer_list_m
implicit none
public :: integer_list_t, visitor_t
type :: list_node_t
integer :: val
type(list_node_t), pointer :: next => null()
end type
type :: integer_list_t
type(list_node_t), pointer :: head => null()
procedure, public :: prepend
procedure, public :: foreach
end type
type, abstract :: visitor_t
procedure(visit_i), deferred, public :: visit
end type
abstract interface
subroutine visit_i(self, item)
import visitor_t
implicit none
class(visitor_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
end subroutine
end interface
subroutine prepend(self, item)
class(integer_list_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: item
type(list_node_t), pointer :: new
if (associated(self%head)) then
new%val = item
new%next => self%head
self%head => new
self%head%val = item
end if
end subroutine
subroutine foreach(self, visitor)
class(integer_list_t), intent(inout) :: self
class(visitor_t), intent(inout) :: visitor
type(list_node_t), pointer :: cursor
cursor => self%head
do while (associated(cursor))
call visitor%visit(cursor%val)
cursor => cursor%next
end do
end subroutine
end module
module list_operator_m
use integer_list_m, only: visitor_t
implicit none
public :: printer_t, squarer_t, summer_t
type, extends(visitor_t) :: printer_t
procedure, public :: visit => printer_visit
end type
type, extends(visitor_t) :: squarer_t
procedure, public :: visit => squarer_visit
end type
type, extends(visitor_t) :: summer_t
integer :: total = 0
procedure, public :: visit => summer_visit
procedure, public :: get_sum
end type
subroutine printer_visit(self, item)
class(printer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
print *, item
end subroutine
subroutine squarer_visit(self, item)
class(squarer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
item = item*item
end subroutine
subroutine summer_visit(self, item)
class(summer_t), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(inout) :: item
self%total = self%total + item
end subroutine
pure function get_sum(self) result(total)
class(summer_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: total
total = self%total
end function
end module
program main
use integer_list_m, only: integer_list_t
use list_operator_m, only: printer_t, squarer_t, summer_t
implicit none
type(integer_list_t) :: list
type(printer_t) :: printer
type(squarer_t) :: squarer
type(summer_t) :: summer
call list%prepend(2)
call list%prepend(3)
call list%prepend(5)
call list%foreach(printer)
call list%foreach(squarer)
call list%foreach(printer)
call list%foreach(summer)
print *, summer%get_sum()
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
program main
use circle_m, only: circle_t
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use shape_list_m, only: shape_list_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use square_m, only: square_t
use triangle_m, only: triangle_t
implicit none
type(shape_list_t) :: list
type(shape_list_t) :: duplicated_list
list = shape_list_t( &
shapes = [ &
shape_item_t( &
shape = square_t( &
width = 2.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = circle_t( &
radius = 3.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = triangle_t( &
base = 4.0, &
height = 5.0 &
) &
) &
] &
call put_line(list%to_string())
duplicated_list = list // list
call put_line(duplicated_list%to_string())
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "heterogeneous_list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module circle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: circle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: circle_t
real :: radius
procedure, public :: to_string => circle_to_string
end type
interface circle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(radius) result(circle)
real, intent(in) :: radius
type(circle_t) :: circle
circle%radius = radius
end function
pure function circle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"circle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "radius = " // to_string(self%radius), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module shape_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_item_t
type :: shape_item_t
class(shape_t), allocatable :: shape
procedure, public :: to_string
end type
interface shape_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shape) result(shape_item)
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
type(shape_item_t) :: shape_item
shape_item%shape = shape
end function
elemental function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_item_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shape = " // self%shape%to_string(), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module shape_list_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, indent, join, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_list_t
type :: shape_list_t
type(shape_item_t), allocatable :: shapes(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: concat
generic, public :: operator(//) => concat
end type
interface shape_list_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shapes) result(shape_list)
type(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: shapes(:)
type(shape_list_t) :: shape_list
allocate(shape_list%shapes, source = shapes)
end function
pure function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_list_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shapes = [" // NEWLINE &
// indent(join(self%shapes%to_string(), "," // NEWLINE), 4) // NEWLINE &
// "]", &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function concat(lhs, rhs) result(combined)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: lhs
type(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: rhs
type(shape_list_t) :: combined
allocate(combined%shapes, source = [lhs%shapes, rhs%shapes])
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module shape_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: shape_t
type, abstract :: shape_t
procedure(to_string_i), deferred, public :: to_string
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: shape_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module square_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: square_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: square_t
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => square_to_string
end type
interface square_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(width) result(square)
real, intent(in) :: width
type(square_t) :: square
square%width = width
end function
pure function square_to_string(self) result(string)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"square_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module triangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: triangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: triangle_t
real :: base
real :: height
procedure, public :: to_string => triangle_to_string
end type
interface triangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(base, height) result(triangle)
real, intent(in) :: base
real, intent(in) :: height
type(triangle_t) :: triangle
triangle%base = base
triangle%height = height
end function
pure function triangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"triangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "base = " // to_string(self%base) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
program main
use circle_m, only: circle_t
use filter_out_area_greater_than_m, only: filter_out_area_greater_than_t
use filter_out_curves_m, only: filter_out_curves_t
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use shape_list_m, only: shape_list_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use square_m, only: square_t
use strff, only: to_string
use triangle_m, only: triangle_t
implicit none
type(shape_list_t) :: list
type(shape_list_t) :: duplicated_list
type(shape_list_t) :: filtered
list = shape_list_t( &
shapes = [ &
shape_item_t( &
shape = square_t( &
width = 2.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = circle_t( &
radius = 3.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = triangle_t( &
base = 4.0, &
height = 5.0 &
) &
) &
] &
call put_line(list%to_string())
call put_line(to_string(list%total_area()))
duplicated_list = (list*2.0) // (list*0.3)
call put_line(duplicated_list%to_string())
filtered = duplicated_list%filtered_by(filter_out_area_greater_than_t(2.0))
call put_line(filtered%to_string())
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "heterogeneous_list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module circle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: circle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: circle_t
real :: radius
procedure, public :: to_string => circle_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: has_curves
end type
interface circle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(radius) result(circle)
real, intent(in) :: radius
type(circle_t) :: circle
circle%radius = radius
end function
pure function circle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"circle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "radius = " // to_string(self%radius), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = circle_t(radius = self%radius * factor))
end function
pure function area(self)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = 3.1415 * self%radius**2
end function
pure function has_curves(self)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
has_curves = .true.
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module filter_out_area_greater_than_m
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
implicit none
public :: filter_out_area_greater_than_t
type, extends(shape_filterer_t) :: filter_out_area_greater_than_t
real :: limit
procedure, public :: matches
end type
interface filter_out_area_greater_than_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(limit) result(filter)
real, intent(in) :: limit
type(filter_out_area_greater_than_t) :: filter
filter%limit = limit
end function
pure function matches(self, shape)
class(filter_out_area_greater_than_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
logical :: matches
matches = shape%area() < self%limit
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module filter_out_curves_m
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
implicit none
public :: filter_out_curves_t
type, extends(shape_filterer_t) :: filter_out_curves_t
procedure, public :: matches
end type
pure function matches(self, shape)
class(filter_out_curves_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
logical :: matches
matches = .not. shape%has_curves()
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module shape_filterer_m
use shape_m, only: shape_t
implicit none
public :: shape_filterer_t
type, abstract :: shape_filterer_t
procedure(matches_i), deferred, public :: matches
end type
abstract interface
pure function matches_i(self, shape) result(matches)
import :: shape_t, shape_filterer_t
implicit none
class(shape_filterer_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
logical :: matches
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module shape_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_item_t
type :: shape_item_t
class(shape_t), allocatable :: shape
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: satisfies
end type
interface shape_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shape) result(shape_item)
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
type(shape_item_t) :: shape_item
allocate(shape_item%shape, source = shape)
end function
elemental function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_item_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shape = " // self%shape%to_string(), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
impure elemental function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
type(shape_item_t) :: scaled
allocate(scaled%shape, source = self%shape * factor)
end function
elemental function area(self)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = self%shape%area()
end function
elemental function satisfies(self, filterer)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_filterer_t), intent(in) :: filterer
logical :: satisfies
satisfies = filterer%matches(self%shape)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module shape_list_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, indent, join, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_list_t
type :: shape_list_t
type(shape_item_t), allocatable :: shapes(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: concat
generic, public :: operator(//) => concat
procedure :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
procedure, public :: total_area
procedure, public :: filtered_by
end type
interface shape_list_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shapes) result(shape_list)
type(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: shapes(:)
type(shape_list_t) :: shape_list
allocate(shape_list%shapes, source = shapes)
end function
pure function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_list_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shapes = [" // NEWLINE &
// indent(join(self%shapes%to_string(), "," // NEWLINE), 4) // NEWLINE &
// "]", &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function concat(lhs, rhs) result(combined)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: lhs
type(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: rhs
type(shape_list_t) :: combined
allocate(combined%shapes, source = [lhs%shapes, rhs%shapes])
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
type(shape_list_t) :: scaled
allocate(scaled%shapes, source = self%shapes * factor)
end function
pure function total_area(self)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: total_area
total_area = sum(self%shapes%area())
end function
function filtered_by(self, filterer) result(filtered)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_filterer_t), intent(in) :: filterer
type(shape_list_t) :: filtered
allocate(filtered%shapes, source = pack(self%shapes, mask = self%shapes%satisfies(filterer)))
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module shape_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: shape_t
type, abstract :: shape_t
procedure(to_string_i), deferred, public :: to_string
procedure(scale_i), deferred, public :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
procedure(area_i), deferred, public :: area
procedure(has_curves_i), deferred, public :: has_curves
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: shape_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
function scale_i(self, factor) result(scaled)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
end function
pure function area_i(self) result(area)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
end function
pure function has_curves_i(self) result(has_curves)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module square_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: square_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: square_t
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => square_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: has_curves
end type
interface square_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(width) result(square)
real, intent(in) :: width
type(square_t) :: square
square%width = width
end function
pure function square_to_string(self) result(string)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"square_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = square_t(width = self%width * factor))
end function
pure function area(self)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = self%width**2
end function
pure function has_curves(self)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
has_curves = .false.
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
module triangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: triangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: triangle_t
real :: base
real :: height
procedure, public :: to_string => triangle_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: has_curves
end type
interface triangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(base, height) result(triangle)
real, intent(in) :: base
real, intent(in) :: height
type(triangle_t) :: triangle
triangle%base = base
triangle%height = height
end function
pure function triangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"triangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "base = " // to_string(self%base) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = triangle_t(base = self%base * factor, height = self%height * factor))
end function
pure function area(self)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = (self%base * self%height) / 2.0
end function
pure function has_curves(self)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
has_curves = .false.
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
program main
use circle_m, only: circle_t
use filter_out_curves_m, only: filter_out_curves_t
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use shape_list_m, only: shape_list_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use square_m, only: square_t
use strff, only: to_string
use triangle_m, only: triangle_t
implicit none
type(shape_list_t) :: list
type(shape_list_t) :: duplicated_list
type(shape_list_t) :: filtered
list = shape_list_t( &
shapes = [ &
shape_item_t( &
shape = square_t( &
width = 2.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = circle_t( &
radius = 3.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = triangle_t( &
base = 4.0, &
height = 5.0 &
) &
) &
] &
call put_line(list%to_string())
call put_line(to_string(list%total_area()))
duplicated_list = (list*2.0) // (list*0.3)
call put_line(duplicated_list%to_string())
filtered = duplicated_list%filtered_by(filter_out_curves_t())
call put_line(filtered%to_string())
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "heterogeneous_list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module circle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: circle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: circle_t
real :: radius
procedure, public :: to_string => circle_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: has_curves
end type
interface circle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(radius) result(circle)
real, intent(in) :: radius
type(circle_t) :: circle
circle%radius = radius
end function
pure function circle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"circle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "radius = " // to_string(self%radius), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = circle_t(radius = self%radius * factor))
end function
pure function area(self)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = 3.1415 * self%radius**2
end function
pure function has_curves(self)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
has_curves = .true.
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module filter_out_curves_m
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
implicit none
public :: filter_out_curves_t
type, extends(shape_filterer_t) :: filter_out_curves_t
procedure, public :: matches
end type
pure function matches(self, shape)
class(filter_out_curves_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
logical :: matches
matches = .not. shape%has_curves()
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module shape_filterer_m
use shape_m, only: shape_t
implicit none
public :: shape_filterer_t
type, abstract :: shape_filterer_t
procedure(matches_i), deferred, public :: matches
end type
abstract interface
pure function matches_i(self, shape) result(matches)
import :: shape_t, shape_filterer_t
implicit none
class(shape_filterer_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
logical :: matches
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module shape_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_item_t
type :: shape_item_t
class(shape_t), allocatable :: shape
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: satisfies
end type
interface shape_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shape) result(shape_item)
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
type(shape_item_t) :: shape_item
allocate(shape_item%shape, source = shape)
end function
elemental function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_item_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shape = " // self%shape%to_string(), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
impure elemental function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
type(shape_item_t) :: scaled
allocate(scaled%shape, source = self%shape * factor)
end function
elemental function area(self)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = self%shape%area()
end function
elemental function satisfies(self, filterer)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_filterer_t), intent(in) :: filterer
logical :: satisfies
satisfies = filterer%matches(self%shape)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module shape_list_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_filterer_m, only: shape_filterer_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, indent, join, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_list_t
type :: shape_list_t
type(shape_item_t), allocatable :: shapes(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: concat
generic, public :: operator(//) => concat
procedure :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
procedure, public :: total_area
procedure, public :: filtered_by
end type
interface shape_list_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shapes) result(shape_list)
type(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: shapes(:)
type(shape_list_t) :: shape_list
allocate(shape_list%shapes, source = shapes)
end function
pure function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_list_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shapes = [" // NEWLINE &
// indent(join(self%shapes%to_string(), "," // NEWLINE), 4) // NEWLINE &
// "]", &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function concat(lhs, rhs) result(combined)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: lhs
type(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: rhs
type(shape_list_t) :: combined
allocate(combined%shapes, source = [lhs%shapes, rhs%shapes])
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
type(shape_list_t) :: scaled
allocate(scaled%shapes, source = self%shapes * factor)
end function
pure function total_area(self)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: total_area
total_area = sum(self%shapes%area())
end function
function filtered_by(self, filterer) result(filtered)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
class(shape_filterer_t), intent(in) :: filterer
type(shape_list_t) :: filtered
allocate(filtered%shapes, source = pack(self%shapes, mask = self%shapes%satisfies(filterer)))
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module shape_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: shape_t
type, abstract :: shape_t
procedure(to_string_i), deferred, public :: to_string
procedure(scale_i), deferred, public :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
procedure(area_i), deferred, public :: area
procedure(has_curves_i), deferred, public :: has_curves
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: shape_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
function scale_i(self, factor) result(scaled)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
end function
pure function area_i(self) result(area)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
end function
pure function has_curves_i(self) result(has_curves)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module square_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: square_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: square_t
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => square_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: has_curves
end type
interface square_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(width) result(square)
real, intent(in) :: width
type(square_t) :: square
square%width = width
end function
pure function square_to_string(self) result(string)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"square_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = square_t(width = self%width * factor))
end function
pure function area(self)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = self%width**2
end function
pure function has_curves(self)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
has_curves = .false.
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
module triangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: triangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: triangle_t
real :: base
real :: height
procedure, public :: to_string => triangle_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
procedure, public :: area
procedure, public :: has_curves
end type
interface triangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(base, height) result(triangle)
real, intent(in) :: base
real, intent(in) :: height
type(triangle_t) :: triangle
triangle%base = base
triangle%height = height
end function
pure function triangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"triangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "base = " // to_string(self%base) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = triangle_t(base = self%base * factor, height = self%height * factor))
end function
pure function area(self)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
real :: area
area = (self%base * self%height) / 2.0
end function
pure function has_curves(self)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: has_curves
has_curves = .false.
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
program main
use circle_m, only: circle_t
use iso_varying_string, only: put_line
use shape_list_m, only: shape_list_t
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use square_m, only: square_t
use triangle_m, only: triangle_t
implicit none
type(shape_list_t) :: list
type(shape_list_t) :: duplicated_list
list = shape_list_t( &
shapes = [ &
shape_item_t( &
shape = square_t( &
width = 2.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = circle_t( &
radius = 3.0 &
) &
), &
shape_item_t( &
shape = triangle_t( &
base = 4.0, &
height = 5.0 &
) &
) &
] &
call put_line(list%to_string())
duplicated_list = (list*2.0) // (list*0.3)
call put_line(duplicated_list%to_string())
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "heterogeneous_list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 Brad Richardson"
iso_varying_string = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
strff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.1" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module circle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: circle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: circle_t
real :: radius
procedure, public :: to_string => circle_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
end type
interface circle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(radius) result(circle)
real, intent(in) :: radius
type(circle_t) :: circle
circle%radius = radius
end function
pure function circle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"circle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "radius = " // to_string(self%radius), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = circle_t(radius = self%radius * factor))
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module shape_item_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_item_t
type :: shape_item_t
class(shape_t), allocatable :: shape
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
end type
interface shape_item_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shape) result(shape_item)
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: shape
type(shape_item_t) :: shape_item
allocate(shape_item%shape, source = shape)
end function
elemental function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_item_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shape = " // self%shape%to_string(), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
impure elemental function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
type(shape_item_t) :: scaled
allocate(scaled%shape, source = self%shape * factor)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module shape_list_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_item_m, only: shape_item_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, indent, join, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: shape_list_t
type :: shape_list_t
type(shape_item_t), allocatable :: shapes(:)
procedure, public :: to_string
procedure :: concat
generic, public :: operator(//) => concat
procedure :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
end type
interface shape_list_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
function constructor(shapes) result(shape_list)
type(shape_item_t), intent(in) :: shapes(:)
type(shape_list_t) :: shape_list
allocate(shape_list%shapes, source = shapes)
end function
pure function to_string(self) result(string)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"shape_list_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "shapes = [" // NEWLINE &
// indent(join(self%shapes%to_string(), "," // NEWLINE), 4) // NEWLINE &
// "]", &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function concat(lhs, rhs) result(combined)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: lhs
type(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: rhs
type(shape_list_t) :: combined
allocate(combined%shapes, source = [lhs%shapes, rhs%shapes])
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(shape_list_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
type(shape_list_t) :: scaled
allocate(scaled%shapes, source = self%shapes * factor)
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module shape_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string
implicit none
public :: shape_t
type, abstract :: shape_t
procedure(to_string_i), deferred, public :: to_string
procedure(scale_i), deferred, public :: scale
generic, public :: operator(*) => scale
end type
abstract interface
pure function to_string_i(self) result(string)
import :: shape_t, varying_string
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
end function
function scale_i(self, factor) result(scaled)
import :: shape_t
implicit none
class(shape_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
end function
end interface
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module square_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: square_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: square_t
real :: width
procedure, public :: to_string => square_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
end type
interface square_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(width) result(square)
real, intent(in) :: width
type(square_t) :: square
square%width = width
end function
pure function square_to_string(self) result(string)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"square_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "width = " // to_string(self%width), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(square_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = square_t(width = self%width * factor))
end function
end module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module triangle_m
use iso_varying_string, only: varying_string, operator(//)
use shape_m, only: shape_t
use strff, only: hanging_indent, to_string, NEWLINE
implicit none
public :: triangle_t
type, extends(shape_t) :: triangle_t
real :: base
real :: height
procedure, public :: to_string => triangle_to_string
procedure, public :: scale
end type
interface triangle_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
pure function constructor(base, height) result(triangle)
real, intent(in) :: base
real, intent(in) :: height
type(triangle_t) :: triangle
triangle%base = base
triangle%height = height
end function
pure function triangle_to_string(self) result(string)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
type(varying_string) :: string
string = hanging_indent( &
"triangle_t(" // NEWLINE &
// "base = " // to_string(self%base) // "," // NEWLINE &
// "height = " // to_string(self%height), &
4) // NEWLINE &
// ")"
end function
function scale(self, factor) result(scaled)
class(triangle_t), intent(in) :: self
real, intent(in) :: factor
class(shape_t), allocatable :: scaled
allocate(scaled, source = triangle_t(base = self%base * factor, height = self%height * factor))
end function
end module

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
name = "stack_example"
license = "MIT"
author = "Brad Richardson"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2021 Brad Richardson"
erloff = { git = "", tag = "v2.0.0" }
vegetables = { git = "", tag = "v7.0.2" }

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
module fallible_integer_m
use erloff, only: error_list_t
implicit none
public :: fallible_integer_t
type :: fallible_integer_t
integer :: value__
type(error_list_t) :: errors_
procedure, public :: failed
procedure, public :: value_
procedure, public :: errors
end type
interface fallible_integer_t
module procedure from_value
module procedure from_errors
end interface
function from_value(value_) result(fallible_integer)
integer, intent(in) :: value_
type(fallible_integer_t) :: fallible_integer
fallible_integer%value__ = value_
end function
function from_errors(errors) result(fallible_integer)
type(error_list_t), intent(in) :: errors
type(fallible_integer_t) :: fallible_integer
fallible_integer%errors_ = errors
end function
function failed(self)
class(fallible_integer_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: failed
failed = self%errors_%has_any()
end function
function value_(self)
class(fallible_integer_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: value_
value_ = self%value__
end function
function errors(self)
class(fallible_integer_t), intent(in) :: self
type(error_list_t) :: errors
errors = self%errors_
end function
end module

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
module stack_m
use erloff, only: error_list_t, fatal_t, module_t, procedure_t, NOT_FOUND
use fallible_integer_m, only: fallible_integer_t
implicit none
public :: fallible_stack_t, stack_t
type :: stack_t
integer, allocatable :: items(:)
procedure, public :: empty
procedure, public :: top
procedure, public :: pop
procedure, public :: push
procedure, public :: depth
end type
type :: fallible_stack_t
type(stack_t) :: stack_
type(error_list_t) :: errors_
procedure, public :: failed
procedure, public :: stack
procedure, public :: errors
end type
interface stack_t
module procedure constructor
end interface
interface fallible_stack_t
module procedure from_stack
module procedure from_errors
end interface
character(len=*), parameter :: MODULE_NAME = "stack_m"
function constructor() result(empty_stack)
type(stack_t) :: empty_stack
allocate(empty_stack%items, source = [integer::])
end function
function empty(self)
class(stack_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: empty
empty = self%depth() == 0
end function
function top(self)
class(stack_t), intent(in) :: self
type(fallible_integer_t) :: top
if (self%empty()) then
top = fallible_integer_t(error_list_t(fatal_t( &
module_t(MODULE_NAME), &
procedure_t("top"), &
"Asked for top of an empty stack.")))
top = fallible_integer_t(self%items(1))
end if
end function
function pop(self) result(popped)
class(stack_t), intent(in) :: self
type(fallible_stack_t) :: popped
if (self%empty()) then
popped = fallible_stack_t(error_list_t(fatal_t( &
module_t(MODULE_NAME), &
procedure_t("pop"), &
"Attempted to pop an empty stack.")))
if (self%depth() > 1) then
type(stack_t) :: new_stack
new_stack%items = self%items(2:)
popped = fallible_stack_t(new_stack)
end block
popped = fallible_stack_t(stack_t())
end if
end if
end function
function push(self, top) result(pushed)
class(stack_t), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: top
type(stack_t) :: pushed
if (self%empty()) then
allocate(pushed%items, source = [top])
allocate(pushed%items, source = [top, self%items])
end if
end function
function depth(self)
class(stack_t), intent(in) :: self
integer :: depth
if (allocated(self%items)) then
depth = size(self%items)
depth = 0
end if
end function
function from_stack(stack) result(fallible_stack)
type(stack_t), intent(in) :: stack
type(fallible_stack_t) :: fallible_stack
fallible_stack%stack_ = stack
end function
function from_errors(errors) result(fallible_stack)
type(error_list_t), intent(in) :: errors
type(fallible_stack_t) :: fallible_stack
fallible_stack%errors_ = errors
end function
function failed(self)
class(fallible_stack_t), intent(in) :: self
logical :: failed
failed = self%errors_%has_any()
end function
function stack(self)
class(fallible_stack_t), intent(in) :: self
type(stack_t) :: stack
stack = self%stack_
end function
function errors(self)
class(fallible_stack_t), intent(in) :: self
type(error_list_t) :: errors
errors = self%errors_
end function
end module

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
! Generated by make_vegetable_driver. DO NOT EDIT
program main
implicit none
call run()
subroutine run()
use stack_test, only: &
stack_new_stack => test_new_stack, &
stack_non_empty_stack => test_non_empty_stack
use vegetables, only: test_item_t, test_that, run_tests
type(test_item_t) :: tests
type(test_item_t) :: individual_tests(2)
individual_tests(1) = stack_new_stack()
individual_tests(2) = stack_non_empty_stack()
tests = test_that(individual_tests)
call run_tests(tests)
end subroutine
end program

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