introduction-to-deep-learning/Intelligence Artificielle d.../3. Breakout/Code_With_Comments/

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# Test Agent
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from envs import create_atari_env
from model import ActorCritic
from torch.autograd import Variable
import time
from collections import deque
# Making the test agent (won't update the model but will just use the shared model to explore)
def test(rank, params, shared_model):
torch.manual_seed(params.seed + rank) # asynchronizing the test agent
env = create_atari_env(params.env_name, video=True) # running an environment with a video
env.seed(params.seed + rank) # asynchronizing the environment
model = ActorCritic(env.observation_space.shape[0], env.action_space) # creating one model
model.eval() # putting the model in "eval" model because it won't be trained
state = env.reset() # getting the input images as numpy arrays
state = torch.from_numpy(state) # converting them into torch tensors
reward_sum = 0 # initializing the sum of rewards to 0
done = True # initializing done to True
start_time = time.time() # getting the starting time to measure the computation time
actions = deque(maxlen=100) # cf
episode_length = 0 # initializing the episode length to 0
while True: # repeat
episode_length += 1 # incrementing the episode length by one
if done: # synchronizing with the shared model (same as
cx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 256), volatile=True)
hx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 256), volatile=True)
cx = Variable(, volatile=True)
hx = Variable(, volatile=True)
value, action_value, (hx, cx) = model((Variable(state.unsqueeze(0), volatile=True), (hx, cx)))
prob = F.softmax(action_value)
action = prob.max(1)[1].data.numpy() # the test agent does not explore, it directly plays the best action
state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action[0]) # done = done or episode_length >= params.max_episode_length
reward_sum += reward
if done: # printing the results at the end of each part
print("Time {}, episode reward {}, episode length {}".format(time.strftime("%Hh %Mm %Ss", time.gmtime(time.time() - start_time)), reward_sum, episode_length))
reward_sum = 0 # reinitializing the sum of rewards
episode_length = 0 # reinitializing the episode length
actions.clear() # reinitializing the actions
state = env.reset() # reinitializing the environment
time.sleep(60) # doing a one minute break to let the other agents practice (if the game is done)
state = torch.from_numpy(state) # new state and we continue