introduction-to-deep-learning/Intelligence Artificielle d.../3. Breakout/Code_No_Comment/

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# Improvement of the Gym environment with universe
import cv2
import gym
import numpy as np
from import Box
from gym import wrappers
# Taken from
def create_atari_env(env_id, video=False):
env = gym.make(env_id)
if video:
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, 'test', force=True)
env = MyAtariRescale42x42(env)
env = MyNormalizedEnv(env)
return env
def _process_frame42(frame):
frame = frame[34:34 + 160, :160]
# Resize by half, then down to 42x42 (essentially mipmapping). If
# we resize directly we lose pixels that, when mapped to 42x42,
# aren't close enough to the pixel boundary.
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (80, 80))
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (42, 42))
frame = frame.mean(2)
frame = frame.astype(np.float32)
frame *= (1.0 / 255.0)
#frame = np.reshape(frame, [1, 42, 42])
return frame
class MyAtariRescale42x42(gym.ObservationWrapper):
def __init__(self, env=None):
super(MyAtariRescale42x42, self).__init__(env)
self.observation_space = Box(0.0, 1.0, [1, 42, 42])
def _observation(self, observation):
return _process_frame42(observation)
class MyNormalizedEnv(gym.ObservationWrapper):
def __init__(self, env=None):
super(MyNormalizedEnv, self).__init__(env)
self.state_mean = 0
self.state_std = 0
self.alpha = 0.9999
self.num_steps = 0
def _observation(self, observation):
self.num_steps += 1
self.state_mean = self.state_mean * self.alpha + \
observation.mean() * (1 - self.alpha)
self.state_std = self.state_std * self.alpha + \
observation.std() * (1 - self.alpha)
unbiased_mean = self.state_mean / (1 - pow(self.alpha, self.num_steps))
unbiased_std = self.state_std / (1 - pow(self.alpha, self.num_steps))
ret = (observation - unbiased_mean) / (unbiased_std + 1e-8)
return np.expand_dims(ret, axis=0)