# vizdoomgym This is a wrapper to use [ViZDoom](https://github.com/mwydmuch/ViZDoom "ViZDoom repository"), a "Doom based AI Research Platform for Reinforcement Learning from Raw Visual Information" together with [OpenAI Gym](https://github.com/openai/gym "OpenAI Gym repository"). There is a branch with an alternative reward system for the Health Gathering scenario (each collected health pack yields +1 reward) In the docker branch, rendering is excluded, because there must not be a display in docker containers. ## Installation ``` git clone https://github.com/simontudo/vizdoomgym.git cd vizdoomgym pip install -e . ``` Use one of the environments (see list below for all available envs): ``` import gym import vizdoomgym env = gym.make('VizdoomBasic-v0') ``` List of available environments: ``` VizdoomBasic-v0 VizdoomCorridor-v0 VizdoomDefendCenter-v0 VizdoomDefendLine-v0 VizdoomHealthGathering-v0 VizdoomMyWayHome-v0 VizdoomPredictPosition-v0 VizdoomTakeCover-v0 VizdoomDeathmatch-v0 VizdoomHealthGatheringSupreme-v0 ``` [Detailed information about the environments](https://github.com/simontudo/vizdoomgym/blob/master/vizdoomgym/envs/scenarios/README.md)