Integration of tau in compare and PValue debug

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Paul-Corbalan 2022-05-10 11:21:14 +02:00
parent 4673fb8fa7
commit 864fd506a1
1 changed files with 22 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ library("latex2exp")
## 1. Proposition for simulations under $\mathcal{H}_1$
@ -120,16 +121,17 @@ CDF=Plot_CDF(lambda0,n_sample,T,tau)
Compute $p$-value for scan statistic of `ppH1` with `Emp`:
PValue <- function(Emp,ppH, T, tau){
SS = ScanStat(ppH,T,tau)
scanH = SS[2]
index_scanH = SS[1]
index = Emp$index_scan
if (scanH1< min(Emp$index_scan)){
return (c(scanH1,1,index_scanH1))
if (scanH< min(Emp$index_scan)){
return (c(scanH,1,index_scanH))
} else{
if(min(Emp$index_scan)<scanH1 && scanH1<=max(Emp$index_scan)){
} else{return (c(scanH1,0,index_scanH1))}}
if(min(Emp$index_scan)<scanH && scanH<=max(Emp$index_scan)){
} else{return (c(scanH,0,index_scanH))}}
@ -396,7 +398,7 @@ CompareMethods <- function(lambda0, lambda1, NbSeq, T, tau){
tbe0[[i]] = tbei
#Simulation for sequences under H1
ppj1 = SimulationH1(lambda0, lambda1, T, tau)
ppj1 = SimulationH1(lambda0, lambda1, T, 3)
nj = length(ppj1)
pp1[[i]] = ppj1
tbej = ppj1[2:nj]-ppj1[1:nj-1]
@ -404,13 +406,13 @@ CompareMethods <- function(lambda0, lambda1, NbSeq, T, tau){
#cat("- Empiric version:\n")
Score = ScoreDistribEmpiric(lambda0, lambda1, NbSeq, T)
Score = ScoreDistribEmpiric(lambda0, lambda1, 10**4, T)
LS_H0 = LocalScoreMC(lambda0, lambda1, NbSeq, T, Score$Score_X, Score$P_X, tbe0)
LS_H1 = LocalScoreMC(lambda0, lambda1, NbSeq, T, Score$Score_X, Score$P_X, tbe1)
LS_obtained = c(LS_H0$class, LS_H1$class)
options(warn = -1)
Emp = EmpDistrib(lambda0,n_sample,T,tau)
Emp = EmpDistrib(lambda0,10**4,T,tau)
SS_H0 = ScanStatMC(NbSeq, T, tau, Emp, pp0)
SS_H1 = ScanStatMC(NbSeq, T, tau, Emp, pp1)
SS_obtained = c(SS_H0$class, SS_H1$class)
@ -420,24 +422,27 @@ CompareMethods <- function(lambda0, lambda1, NbSeq, T, tau){
theoretical_results_SS = c(rep(0,length(SS_H0$num)), rep(1,length(SS_H1$num)))
print(confusionMatrix(as.factor(SS_obtained), as.factor(theoretical_results_SS),
dnn = c("Prediction", "Reference"))$table)
roc_SS = roc(theoretical_results_SS, SS_obtained)
areaSS = auc(roc_SS)
cat("Area under the ROC curve for SS = ", areaSS, "\n")
cat("--- Confusion matrix for local score method --- \n")
theoretical_results_LS = c(rep(0,length(LS_H0$num)), rep(1,length(LS_H1$num)))
print(confusionMatrix(as.factor(LS_obtained), as.factor(theoretical_results_LS),
dnn = c("Prediction", "Reference"))$table)
#cat("--- Coube ROC associé")
title_ROC = TeX(paste(r'(ROC curve for $H_0: \lambda_0=$)', lambda0,
r'(against $H_1: \lambda_0=$)', lambda1))
pred.SS = prediction(theoretical_results_SS,SS_obtained)
pred.LS = prediction(theoretical_results_LS,LS_obtained)
perf.SS = performance(pred.SS,"tpr", "fpr")
perf.LS = performance(pred.LS,"tpr", "fpr")
#plot(perf.SS, lty=1, col="coral")
#plot(perf.LS, lty=2, col="coral", main=title_ROC)
roc_LS = roc(theoretical_results_LS, LS_obtained)
areaLS = auc(roc_LS)
cat("Area under the ROC curve for LS = ", areaLS, "\n")
options(warn = -1)
result <- c('performance.SS'= perf.SS,'performance.LS'= perf.LS)